General Studies: Economic Growth and Development
Economic Growth:
It is a quantitative aspect, which generally refers to a long-term tendency reflected by an increase in the flow of goods and services produced by the economy. Economic growth is conventionally measured as a percentage in crease in GDP or GNP or per capital NDP during 1 year. Per capital NDP is the most appropriate measure of economic growth.
Economic Growth Rate = ------------------------------
NNP2 = Net National Product of current year
NNP1 = Net National Product of last year
Economic Development:
It is a qualitative aspect, unlike economic growth which is a quantitative aspect. It means growth accompanied by welfare or equity. Economic development is multi-dimensional measure, while economic growth emphasis on production. i.e., GDP and per capital income, economic development emphasis upon welfare, equality and quality.
Economic Development Rate = --------------------------
GDP2= Growth Development Product of current year
GDP1= Growth Development Product of last year
Measurement of Economic Development:
There are various models to measure economic development and comparative situation of different countries.
- Purchasing Power Parity method
- Human Development Index
- Green GNP
- Net economic welfare
- Poverty Index
- Basic necessities
- Physical Quality of life index
- National prosperity index
- Gender based development index
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